A great enhancement and design to your home are the wood garage doors. Nonetheless, there are some considerations you have to think before purchasing a wooden door.
Is the cost of wood garage doors high? The cost of wooden doors is certainly higher compared to that of the metal or fiber glass doors.
Wood Garage Doors
A wooden door having an excellent quality cost up to 10 times of the metal doors. This is a great factor to consider when you are determining if a wood door is perfect for you.
Q: Can a wood garage door endure high wind conditions?
A: There is no doubt that wood garage doors is strong; nevertheless if the place where you live in frequently suffers from high wind circumstances such as hurricanes or tornadoes, wood might not be suitable for your door.
This also applies if you own a double garage where in the width of the door panels are wider.
These particular wood garage doors are not built for high winds. Reinforced steel doors are much better choice for you if you live on such environment.
Q: Can wood garage doors withstand an extremely cold climate?
A: There is no argument in considering wood as a good insulator. Nonetheless, wood might not be a good choice for your door if your house is situated in a place where severe and extremely cold winters occur.
Since the wood panels are not thick enough, they don’t insulate your house that much. Thus, you may opt to get a fiber glass door or an insulated metal door; these typically provide insulation fit in their panels.
Q: Is there a need to worry about my garage door going rotten?
A: A main problem faced regarding doors built in wood is rot. This is frequently the case in locations with high levels of humidity, even to those with strong rains.
Wood doors can surely be used on such areas provided that good maintenance of these doors is consistent.
Q: What type of wood are wooden garage doors typically made of?
A: There are a lot of woods where you can manufacture wooden doors. A well-known type of wood is oak. It may cost much, but its strength and durability is guaranteed.
The other woods commonly used are Hemlock, Redwood and Cedar.
Q: Is it possible to install wooden garage door myself?
A: The installation of wood garage doors requires the work of an expert door installer since these doors weigh too much and they should be correctly balanced when placed.
It is not advisable to install wood garage doors by yourself. Have a professional installer who will handle extreme weights and who knows how to adjust the springs properly on the door.
Once the wooden door is wrongly installed, it would be unsafe and may not last that long.
Wood garage doors are certainly a nice way to enhance your home. But always bear in mind that if you live in a place where the climate is extremely cold, better go with a metal door which can be incorporated with garage door insulation.