Ceiling Light Fixtures

This article can be a guide when purchasing ceiling light fixtures. When your house doesn’t have sufficient lighting, then it is essential that you know to choose proper lighting that can be beneficial.

It is important that your house has proper lighting throughout to ensure that no one gets injured inside or outside. There are many reasons, why the lighting in your house is bad.

Ceiling Light Fixtures

It could be because of the lack of lighting or lighting fixtures. When you have decided that you will need to do some redesigning work on the lighting for your home, then you might want to take your time and work on it.

Redesigning or remodeling your lighting for your home requires lot of researching and planning.

Did you know that ceiling lighting improve the looks of your room?

Ceiling lights can be used in any room and provide the needed lighting. Before you proceed, you will need to know the functions of ceiling light fixtures. When you are aware of the functions, you will find it easier to choose the light fixtures.

Ambience, Accent, and Task

The major functions of ceiling light fixtures are ambience, accent, and task.

Ambience lighting is meant to blend along with the interiors of your house. This kind of lighting helps you to perform certain activities in your house like watching television or listening music.

Accent lighting is used for improving the decor in your home. When you have got a decorative feature in your house and want to highlight it, accent lighting is used.

Task lighting offers light for performing a task like reading or writing.

You will need to decide on the type of lighting you need in your house or room.

Some of you might want to redesign the entire lighting in your house, while some of you might want to remodel the lighting in one room. You will need to also finalize the place where you want to install the ceiling light fixtures.

Do you want the ceiling light fixtures at the side or the center of the room?

The height of the room has to also be considered before choosing the lighting fixtures. The lighting should not be too low or too high. If they are too low, then they can cause injury to someone. When they are too high, then you will find it tough to change the bulbs.

Some of these things will have to be considered before you purchase your ceiling light fixtures.

Let us briefly see few types of lighting fixtures.

Suspended ceiling light

Suspended lighting is chandeliers and pendant lighting. They greatly enhance the looks of your room and more importantly they provide adequate lighting for your house. Suspended ceiling lighting come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, which is why, you would want to take time and make your selection.

Mounted light

Mounted lighting is attached to the walls in your house or room. They can be either flush-mounted or semi-flush-mounted. Depending on what suits your room, you can make the choice.

Track lighting

Track lighting provides light only for a particular area.

As ceiling light fixtures are not costly, you should take your time and make the right decision.

Modern Light Fixtures

If you are searching for ways to improvise the looks of your home, then you might want to make use of modern light fixtures.

Sometimes when you have stayed for few years inside your home, you might get bored of witnessing the same interiors everyday. There is an inexpensive way of enhancing the interiors of your home.

Modern Light Fixtures

There is no need to go in for a renovation or redesigning your house completely. Instead, you might want to make use of modern light fixtures.

There are many modern light fixtures from which you can select from like ceiling lights, modern light fixtures, wall light fixtures, chandeliers, and many others.

When you want your home to look like the way you want it to, you would want to make sure that you make use of the different factors that are required.

When you build your home, you do a lot of planning and investing to it depending on your requirements. Those who have been able to achieve their perfect home, feel proud of that fact.

So, what is the meaning of light fixtures that come in a modern design? It can mean many things. That usually depends on the person who wants to make use of it for their home.

Usually, modern light fixtures means, that you want to have a bright and clean look for your home. Many of you would like to ensure that your home has that perfect look.

So, why do you do need lighting to enhance the looks of your home? How can making use of modern light fixtures improvise the looks of your home?

When you have the proper lighting inside your home, your home looks light and airy. That is very important, even for homes that are not very large.

Home owners like their homes being light and airy. Since there are so many styles from which you can select from, you will find that choosing the right one can be difficult.

The first thing that you would want to think about the lighting is to know what you want the lighting to do for your home.

When you are not concerned about the area which you want to be lighted, then you can go in for general lighting in those areas.

When you want the lighting to achieve tasks including cooking, writing, reading, or taking a walk outside the garden, then you should choose the right modern light fixtures.

When you have a large lawn, then you would want to make use of accent lighting that can help you make it stand out.

The best part about modern light fixtures is that you can really make use of the wide range of designs and styles that are available for you. The area where you intend to design doesn’t matter as you can always light it as you like to.

For some of you using the latest designs in light fixtures means, being on track with the upcoming technological advances.

For some of you, it might be making use of energy efficient lightings for your home. The reason doesn’t matter as you can always find the modern light fixtures that you are looking for your home.

Best Steps of How to Decorate a House

How to decorate a house with nice appearance? You can begin from here on out you need to expand estimation of your home. Begin by giving the best stunning home style furniture, you will discover simpler to get the things that you require. Numerous individuals want to have decent house with characteristic plan in it. When you utilize regular configuration to be utilized for your home, you will have the capacity to make your home looks magnificent. Is astonishing home stylistic theme the right decision for the individuals who need to apply regular configuration? Yes, it is on account of the modern home decoration accompanies wooden material that can make you ready to utilize it whenever you require.

How to Decorate a House with Modern Concept

Wood material accessible in astounding home stylistic theme is the right determination for the individuals who need to include pleasant thing for their home in a moment. Making your home gets to be brilliant with the best choice of modern home decoration could be possible less demanding. It is accessible in wood material as well. By having amazing home decoration, you will make your dream in having satisfaction appearance of house comes true. It is time for you to do something about it. Those are all simply ways of how to decorate a house.

How to Decorate a House with Nice Style

You will likewise find that the best shading of this modern home decoration can include its intriguing component in it. It is not difficult to show up of your home gets to be astounding utilizing this furniture. When you utilize this furniture, you will have the capacity to give something valuable to be utilized for excellence change as a part of your home. Making the look of your home gets to be incredible is really not troublesome. You can do it in this basic ways. Furniture is likewise the right choice that you can utilize in the event that you choose to do home inside configuration for house. Modern home decoration will worth to be utilized as it accompanies numerous preferences and sorts of highlight that can make you feel great furniture and fulfill in utilizing it.

Likewise, modern home decoration has sturdy quality to be utilized. On account of the work of expert inventor of this astounding home style so that numerous individuals can now do home change in simple ways. You can find that the presence of room in your home can get to be decent utilizing this step. Try not to stress over the nature of astounding home stylistic theme in light of the fact that it will make you locate the most fulfillment quality that you need at this moment. Today, numerous individuals like to pick the best plan of modern home decoration with decent shading in it. You can attempt to show up of your home gets to be enhanced in the event that you include this furniture. You will have the capacity to make your home loaded with pleasant thing. In astonishing home style, you will find that the state of the best furniture is adequate to be utilized. Thus, it will make you discover less demanding to utilize it. Now you have learned about how to decorate a house easily.

32 Types of Home Architecture Design (Modern, Craftsman, Country, etc.)

Before building a home, we need to pick a certain home architecture design that best suits ourselves. So it will provide comfort to us when we live or stay in the home. Hence, we summarize a complete list of 32 types of home architecture designs from around the globe that allows you to choose the best. Here you go:

  1. Adobe Revival

Thousands of years ago, the style of adobe houses was favored in some parts of America, which covered the areas of southwest America, Mesoamerica, and South America (Andean region). And now it is still used by many countries in South and South Western America, Spain and Eastern Europe, North and West Africa, the Middle East, and West Asia.

As the name suggests, the buildings of Adobe-style houses utilize mud brick as the main material building and resemble cob and rammed-earth buildings. Mud brick it self is among the world’s earliest building materials. This can be seen from its use in Spanish houses since the eighth century B.C. and even since the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

The making of adobe bricks was introduced by the Spanish, Pueblo, and their size range from a normal size of bricks to one or two yards, known as adobines.

  1. Beach

Beach houses, as the name implies, are houses that are built at the seaside and raised up from the ground. They are appropriate for not only ocean front locations but also highland areas and suited to either hot or humid climates. As a result, they become the right choice of those who take holiday to the beach and to the highlands.

Another version of this house style is tide water houses that have easily been found along America Southeast coasts since the 1800s. The houses typically feature wide and eclectic wooden porches, large eaves and water front space, and a living room at the one level  higher.

  1. Bungalow

In 1659, an Englishman referred the word “Bungalow” to “Bunguloues”, which means  “temporary and easy to set up shelter”. But it was found later on that “bangla”, “bungales”, and “banggolos” were also used before the update of “bungalow” as an English term in 1820.

Bungalow is actually India’s house style at first. It, however, was then popular in America, especially in New England in 1880. The rise took place after a group of builders of English seaside houses evolved it into a more modern style with a refined look in 1870. After that, it was considered the most well-known architectural style in the American history as it had come to rest in Southern California for a long periods of time.

Talking about how it looks like, bungalow is a long, low house built with wide verandas and drooping attics. The roof which was once made of thatch nowadays has been changed into fire proof  tile and completed with an insulating air space to keep the house from tropical heat.

  1. Cape Cod

Some claim that Cape Cod houses were named after the visit of Reverend Timothy Dwight IV to Cape in the year 1800. He served as the president of Yale University from the 1795 to 1817.

The Cape Cod style followed the Colonial Revival style, which existed from the 1930s to 50s. The English colonists adopted the style to build an English House hall and parlor house and to protect it from severe storms in the country. After generations, it came with numerous versions as seen from more than one-storey houses made with wooden clapboards, shutters, or shingle exterior.

The popular examples of the buildings under Cap Cod style include the Dugan residence, Massachusetts and Levittown, New York.

  1. Colonial

Colonial style appeared around 1600. The style was introduced by European immigrants so that it was not surprising if European influences were strongly felt here. In its progress, a lot of folks continued to preserve it despite the US colonial period had ended. Because of this, the style was still kept until the 1700s, where the colonists lived along the Eastern Seaboard and decided to settle there.

The thing that made Colonial houses easily recognized was simply the geometrical design of the two-storey houses. In the USA, some twists were omitted in order to adjust to the climates. Over time, a change also occurred to the number of the rooms on each floor, from one room to four rooms on every of their floors. It is what characterizes the development of Colonial style today.

Among the most famous structures with this style is President’s House at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg.

  1. Contemporary

The Contemporary style emerged between 1960s to 1970s. It was regarded as a modern-age house style.

Different from the Modern style, the ever-changing style emphasized the concept of the now. It usually used the building materials of metal and concrete, together with the decorative materials of wood and stones. The physical appearance looked innovative and forwarding, perfectly combining geometrical shapes such as rounds and rectangles. Nonetheless, the Contemporary style did not close the possibility of using asymmetrical shapes.

The Contemporary style mostly focused on light, space, and landscape. It obtained lighting from natural sources. This is why it used large glass windows and door ways in addition to capturing the surrounding landscape. And open-plan interiors, decorated with clean and smooth textures and lines,were intended to eliminate unnecessary details and ornamentation such as steel and modern furnishings in order to have space inside the houses.

This style is used to build Tubac House and the eco-friendly Factor 10 House.

  1. Contemporary Craftsman

Contemporary Craftsman’s first arrival went around 1905, and continued to appear in the early 1930s. It actually reacted to the Industrial Revolution, which led to the dismiss alof both handmade crafts and raw and natural materials. Craftsman it self was an expression that American people used to refer to the Arts and Crafts movement from England.

Craftsman architecture emphasized the “Articulation of structure” as it exposed beams and rafters without showing the seamless interior and exterior relation through porches and terraces.

In 1920, the Craftsman style ever vanished, but came back in the mid-1980s and survived until now. Nowadays, it has mingled with other styles, particularly the Contemporary style, which made it called Contemporary Craftsman.

  1. Country

Manor houses are the example of the Country-designed houses. They are usually built

on large tracts of land. Manor houses include European houses or mansions. In the past, the land belonged to the the feudal estate and the house to the landowner.

Historically, a manor house was none other than the principal residence of the lord of the manor. In the European feudal system, it mainly functioned as the administrative centre for manorial courts and communal meals with manorial tenants. The term now relates to various country-style houses, which frequently dated back to the late medieval era, when it was used to house the gentry.

  1. Craftsman

The late nineteenth century was the birth of the Craftsman style. It was also known as the American Arts and Crafts movement and widely used until the 1930s. It apparently became a comprehensive design and art movement in the Industrial Revolution.

Craftsman is a native American style that attached an immense value on handicrafts and natural materials. The simplicity-embracing style has kept to exist and flourish till the present days and to adorn houses with symmetrical forms, hand-crafted wood and stone works, hipped roofs, exposed under eave rafters, Frank Lloyd Wright design motifs, and so on.

  1. English Cottage

In the  Middle Ages, cottage was a house of peasants and their families, consisting of a farmhouse and its yard. Thus, it was not a stand-alone small-sized dwelling as shown today. In the next development of the eighteenth century on wards, it also housed both weavers and miners since industries started to grew.

Formerly, people called “cottage” a “house”, but later made difference of them. The reason was that such a building was called so in England. In modern times, cottage has shifted from a traditional old-fashioned abode to a modest-yet-cosy home or another cottage-style building, which was built in a rural or semi-rural area and which was frequently intended for a holiday home. Often found in this style are ground floors and bedrooms that lie under the eaves.

  1. Farmhouse

Farmhouses are commonly the primary houses in rural and agricultural settings. A long time ago, they were often completed with a house bard, a space for animals to live in. Even, they could have more than one barn connected as to build a courtyard.

Farmhouses have their own characters, causing them to have persisted through times. They try to bring back images from the past and to recreate the unique ambience into a living space.

Because of these efforts, farmhouses love to combine simple organic things, lines, and details with subtle colors. The architectural style is actually a perfect mix of the English and French country styles, which generally features gabled roofs, large patios and veranda, and broad comfy kitchens.

  1. Federal Colonial

It is undeniable that federal colonial style, or Federal or Adam style, has a leading role in shaping architectural landscape in America.

The Europe-influenced design style established between 1780 and 1830, particularly from 1785 to 1815, modified from the previous style of Goergian architecture. No wonder that the two colonial styles share a lot of features in common.

Normally, the American architecture uses undecorated surfaces and simplified details, very often accompanied by isolated panels, tablets, and friezes. Also, it comes with a flatter, smoother facade, but hardly with pilasters.

  1. Florida

It is the 19th century architecture which initially grew in Florida, USA, then expanded to other regions. As one of design theme sources, Florida architecturehas come to be known among house developers.

The Florida-styled houses can be recognized well from their metal roofts, wood frames, spacious porch areas (usually surrounding the whole houses),raised floors, and “shotgun” or “dog trot” hallways (central hallways that go straight from the front to the back of the home).

A set of famous examples of wood-framed Florida houses includes Bensen House in Grant, Plumb House in Clearwater, Winchester Symphony House in Eau Gallie, all of which are located in Florida.

  1. French

One of the most notable French achievements is French architecture. This indicates that architechture has obviously been of concernat all times in the country and that it underlay the establishments of the Academy of Architecture in 1671, the very first European architecture institution, and the Prix de Rome for architecture in 1720, a govt-funded French scholarship aimed for art students.

The distinct signs of today’s French architecture are timber and brick frame, wide hipped roof, thin wooden columns, raised living quarters, wide porch, no interior hallways, and French doors. It also usually has asymmetrical exteriors and uses ornate elements. Examples of such French architecture-influenced buildings are still present such as Villa Savoye, Notre Dame du Haut, Le Corbusier buildings, Villa Noailles, Institut du Monde Arabe, and Jean Nouvel buildings.

  1. Georgian

The word “Georgian” was taken from the names of the House of Hanover’s British monarchs, George I-IV, who reigned very well from 1714 to 1830. The style was known with different terms over different places like Colonial Revival in the US in the late 19th century and Neo-Georgian in Great Britain in the early 20th century.

Commonly found in the style are symmetrical lines, arranged facades, and showy kerbs. Then, it internally features a simple, but elegant design by making the use of large sash windows, high ceiling, and a geometrical floor plan.

  1. Greek Revival

An architectural movement of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, The Greek Revival originated mostly in Northern Europe and the United States. It is considered to be a product of Hellenism as well as the last phase of the Neoclassical architecture’s development. The first introduction to the term “Greek Revival” was made by Charles Robert Cockerell in his lecture; he was a professor of architecture in the Royal Academy of Arts, London in 1842.

Greek Revival style comes to be a fine example of a style which parallelized the earlier culture with the present one.

Houses with the Greek Revival style were quite often white-colored to bear a likeness to the white marble of most awe-inspiring public buildings. In addition, it frequently used bold details, but with simple shapes. Heavy cornices, gables with pediments, and unadorned friezes were the other typical features.

  1. Log

Log houses or long buildings are structures which were built with horizontally-positioned logs, the corners of which were interlocked by notching. The logs used could be rounded, squared,or formed in other shapes.

The smaller version of this kind of the houses is called “log cabin”, predominantly found throughout countrysides, such as hunting cabins in the woods.

Since the log architecture needs much log in build, it has seemed to be the best house design in large regions of Norway, Finland, Sweden, the Baltic states, and Russia, where the woods of spruce and pine supply straight, tall logs abundantly.

Besides those regions, the Alps, the Balkans, Eastern Central Europe, and some parts of Asia have used the log style to build their vernacular buildings due to the similar climates. While several warmer regions of Western Europe, predominated by deciduous trees, prefer timber framing instead.

  1. Mediterranean

Mediterranean style, exceptionally popular in North America from 1918 to 1940, is a perfect combination of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Mediterranean countries. Sometimes, it is called “Spanish Modern”, for some of the concepts enormously adopted Spain design, but still had the strong Mediterranean taste of certain elements.

A large number of homes in Florida and California presented this style. Elements such as red tiled roofs, stucco walls, arches, and ornamental details ordinarily marked the use of the Mediterranean architecture.

The roofs, made of either clay pots or bricks, resemble to those of Spanish and Mexican styles. Stucco walls, then, give protection to rain, sunlight, and hot temperature. While arches were meant to allow the building to look sturdy and to distribute weight, and decoration details were presented by heavy, wide, and delicately carved doors and colorful tiles toembellish the interiors.

Among the still-standing Mediterranean remains are the buildings of Smith-Heberton House, Frances Marion and Fred Thomson House, and Fred C. Aiken House.

  1. Mid-Century Modern

Mid-century modern is a symbol of the mid-20th century developments in modern design, contemporary architecture, and urban development. It evolved estimatedly from 1933 to 1965.

A style descriptor,the term was firstly used in the early mid-1950s, then couched by Cara Greenberg in her book of “Mid-Century Modern: Furniture of the 1950s”, which was published by Random House in 1983. Now, scholars and museums around the world have recognized it as a great design movement.

Conventionally, the Mid-century modern aims to bring modernism into American post-war suburbs. The way is to install ample windows and open floor plans, allowing the interiors to create space and the outdoors to come in. Many homes with this style used to eliminate massive supporting walls with the purpose of creating a nuance that the walls were made of glass.

  1. Modern

Also known as modernist architecture, Modern architecture reigned in the first half of the 20th century and turned into a dominant achitecture after the second world war. What underlay the rise was the advancement of construction technology that enabled the use of glass, steel, and reinforced concrete when building, and it was, in addition, perceived to be a reaction to the traditional neoclassical architecture and Beaux-Arts styles, which gain popularity in the 19th century.

The emphasis of the modern style is ordinarily on plain geometric forms and on the layout, location, and function of a structure itself. Joseph Paxton’s Crystal Palace in London, Josef Hoffmann’s Stoclet Palace in Brussels, and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple in Chicago are some well-renowned examples of early modern architecture.

  1. Mountain

The reflection of the Mountain style comes into Lakeside Cottageand Greystone Inn. Greystone Inn, founded in 1985, has looked much like Swiss chalets, the building of which took place in 1915. They originally had kitchens, free-standing libraries, and pools.

The mountain architecture was frequently characterized by a rug-covered outer surface that sometimes embraced shingles,wood siding, or even logs. To get a view, it also utilized outsized windows and wide levels. Moreover, open layouts and lofts are found in the inside.

  1. Northwest

Northwest, sometimes called Northwest Modern or Northwest Regional, was a dominant architectural style that went around from 1935 to 1960, in the Pacific Northwest region. In fact, it is a regional version of the international style.

Several key elements that usually appear in the Northwest style include the heavy use of unpainted wood for both interior and exterior, the installation of glass which extends to the floor, and the incorporation of the building with its surrounding through asymmetrical floor plans. A low-pitched or flat roof of shingles, overhanding eaves, and little ornamentation also characterize this regional style.

The Northwest style was mostly used in residential structures and found by a group of proponents such as John Yeon, John Storrs,Pietro Belluschi,Herman Brookman, Saul Zaik, and Van Evera Bailey.

  1. Prairie

Established in the late19th century, Prairie or Prairie School came to be a favored style in the Midwestern United States. It was evolved to respond to the ideals and design aesthetics of the Arts and Crafts Movement.

The term Prairie School was initially created by H. Allen Brooks to write his book about the Prairie architects and their works, but not used by the architects themselves.

The Prairie style often has unique characteristics: horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs, broad overhanging eaves, parallel windows, solid construction, landscape intergration, and handcrafted ornaments. Horizontal lines are intended to seem much like the native prairie landscape.

  1. Ranch

Ranch is a native architectural style of the United States. It firstly arrived in the 1920s, with various names such as American ranch, California ranch, rambler, or rancher.

Ranch homes become well recognized from their wide open layouts and lengthy, yet close-to-the-ground profile. The ranch style put modernism and Western America’s concept of wide open spaces together into a very casual and informal living space.

The Ranch style apparently boomed within American post-war middle class from the 1940s to 1970s. It once expanded to other regions before its fading in the late 20th century because of the return of the neo-eclectic house style.

  1. Shingle

Built by Peabody and Stearns in 1882, the Kragsyde mansion of Massachusetts becomes one of the most known shingle-style structures. The shingle style rose in line with the establishment of the New England school of architecture. Now, there are several places to find such houses like East Hampton,Martha’s Vineyard, Rhode Island, Cannon Beach,Nantucket, and some parts of New Jersey.

Shingles used in this style are made of different kinds of wood, depending on what wood is available in a region. North America, for instance, typically uses Western Red Cedar, Atlantic White Cedar,or California Redwood. Also, it is noted that they are either split or sawn and varied in size.

  1. Spanish

Spanish architecture is not all about buildings, but it is also about a way of communication. The style reflects communal values as it is placed within worshipping homes of different religions. Hence, it is a kind of the movement of people that attempt to keep their time-honored traditions and turn them into physical structures like churches. Besides, the rise of palaces or castles shows that it exerts a powerful political impact as well.

Key features that generally adhere to Spain houses are clay tile roofs with low pitches, corridors with arches, arcaded porches, andround windows with geometric ornaments. These features can be found in many famous Spanish-styled buildings such as the Powers House, the Canfield-Wright House, and Santa Barbara Mission Neighborhood.

  1. Southern

Southern architecture is often called Antebellum architecture, derived from Latin words “ante” (before) and “bellum” (war). It is a 19th-century neo-classical architectural style native to the Southern United States, primarily the Deep South.

The reign took place from the birth of the American Revolution to the beginning of the American Civil War.The first introduction to this style was made by the descendants of British people who settled in the Southern states during the colonial period and in the U.S. regions after the Louisiana Purchase.

The structures of plantation mansions and homes with Georgian, Neo-classical, or even Greek Revival styleappear to be the typical examples of Southern structures.

  1. Southwestern

Being a region-based architectural style, South western seemingly orientates to uniqueness and simplicity.The influences of both Indian and Spanish cultures are much felt in this style.

Indian culture dated back a millennium before the coming of the Spanish voyagers. The architecture of Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon, the largest and oldest Anasazi villages, made the use of pine timbers and stone. In the next time, Puebloan residences combined house walls and round edges, causing the Spanish to call them “Pueblos” when coming there in the 16th century.

Southwestern style is predominantly characterized by coarse textures, earthy colors, crafted ornaments, Terra cottas, bright woven fabrics, and clay tile roofs.

  1. Traditional

The 1940s and 1950s was the time of the traditional style’s arrival. It was thought to have the similar look of the Tudor style; they held the same gabled front and enourmous chimney. It had complex details and lower roof pitchs, nonetheless.

Common throughout the United States is that the style uses single level floor plan designs suited to American lifestyles. Other most note worthy features of the style are the simplicity of hipped roofs and stuccoed exteriors as well as the use of steeply pitched roofs, covered porches, open foyers, and lofts.

  1. Tudor

Tudor architecture was a variant of the Medieval architecture of England in its last stage. It was formed during the Tudor period, from 1485 to 1603, and was regarded as a provisional introduction of the Renaissance architecture to England.The term “Tudor architecture” actually is not applied to mention that of the Tudor dynasty’s entire period, but just from around 1500s to 1560s.

The emergence of the style came after the Late Gothic Perpendicular style and ended in 1560, when Elizabethan architecture started to grow.

The distinctive features of the Tudor style as used in the exteriors include half-timber and brick works, complex gabled roofs, rectangular oriel windows, and attractive chimneys. While the interiors generally featured walls with wooden panels and molded plaster works to decorate walls, cornices, and ceilings as to have the Renaissance taste.

  1. Tuscan

Tuscany, a region in central Italy, is the direct inspiration of this style. In many of the Tuscan-style structures, stone, the building materials such as wood, wrought iron and tile are generally found.

It is a rustic, but stylish achitecture that combines classic and modern elements and fits to the original arrangements of Mediterranean. The designs and lines are made clean and ample to bear the atmosphere of the ancient past.

The Tuscan homes usually feature these key elements: hand-painted plaster walls with warm colors; richly textured ceilings; and stone, tile, and glass floors.

  1. Victorian

The term “Victorian” relates to the Victorian era that took place from 1837 to 1901, when Queen Victoria ruled.The Victorian style was commonly found in the houses in most British suburbs and cities during the Victorian periode and the Industrial Revolution. Those houses now feature the typical characteristics of the style.

In the United Kingdom, the Victorian style followed a series of the preceding architectural styles which included Regency style, later Italianate style that flourished between 1820s and 1850s, and finally Gothic Revival Style that dominated in the 1880s.

Many of the Victorian-style houses appear to be build with porches commonly made of either brick or local stone. Also, they often come with vibrant colors, complicated asymmetrical shapes, decorative trims, and textured walls.

Having read and seen all the types of home architecture designs, which one will you choose? Let us know by jotting down yours below.

Decoration and Interior Design for Small Houses

Today, few are lucky enough to live in houses with large spaces. The new constructions, in their quest to take advantage of the space, result in homes with small interiors, where decoration is often a challenge. We have to make the rooms functional and beautiful, but at the same time, try to create an enlargement effect, a challenge. Here we will give you examples of small concrete and simple houses, easy to apply in reality, so that you can take ideas of decoration of interiors of small houses.


You should always use light colors, such as white or pastel colors. This will certainly help create a wider sense of space.

You should consider using cold colors. Blue and green will give the impression of more space, while red and warm yellow can do exactly the opposite, so a warm hue such as the primary color on the walls and ceilings is not recommended, but they can be used in accessories.

In addition to providing elegance to the home, the white color also offers the impression of space and harmony, so it can be used to paint the wall. If you use it on roofs, you’ll raise the perception of these.

Using contrasting colors for small rooms is pleasing to the eye and also gives a sense of spaciousness. For example, when white is used on walls and ceilings and black color in doors, windows, curtains, furniture, lamps or decorative objects in black, you come to show elegance and order.

Use similar colors to unify and find the right balance to create unique spaces without overwhelming with many different colors. White colors and cake tend to offer a better sense of space. The pale colors advance, expanding the room, while the dark colors recede, shrunk.

Accessories in small house interior decoration


Instead of using blinds, a great choice are the curtains. In addition to being decorative, they fulfill the function of making a space appear larger. Hanging them long to the ground, and as far as possible, as high as possible, will help create a higher effect in the room, creating the feeling of spaciousness.

Hangs the curtains aloft, allows the fabric to fall freely and draws the look upwards. Paintings and other decorative objects of wall also at high altitude.

Be especially careful with prints. The overwhelming designs draw attention to themselves, and not the one in the room. Choose simple fabrics that filter sunlight and provide privacy, and match the rest of the furniture.


A bright carpet makes a room open and look bigger. If you have dark walls, try a light-toned carpet.

Keep continuity on the ground. Keeping the same material on the floor of the whole house gives a sense of continuity, the eye does not jump from room to room, but quickly roams the space, making it appear larger.

For this reason, if you use carpets, these should be large, they should occupy as much floor area as possible. We see this error in the image below. The carpet used is very nice, but reduces the space by separating the floor into two areas.


Mirrors are an old trick used to expand spaces. The reflection of the crystals and mirrors give a sense of spaciousness to the rooms when they are strategically located to reflect something beautiful.

Be creative with mirrors. Mirrors can instantly double the look of a room, but there’s no reason for you to follow its traditional use.

Small interior furniture

Try not to crowd the house. A recharged space seems much smaller. Buy the furniture you need. Otherwise, you’ll end up creating a crowded and uncomfortable space.

Scale furniture

If you want to place a sofa in a small space, it would be good to opt for a moderate size or even slightly small furniture. The trick is to choose the furniture at scale with the room.

If the ceilings are low, it creates the illusion of vertical space using low furniture.

Curved furniture

One of the tricks for small spaces is to choose curved furniture. For example, a round table, curved chairs, carpets that accompany the shape, and ornaments with spiral and dot shapes.

Intelligent order and storage

Small spaces are one of the great themes of decoration, especially taking into account the current environments of limited space. And of course, one way to have everything on hand is to have it in order and that order in addition to being attractive, will make the house look bigger. These ideas are great in that sense, to give a pleasant and functional look to a living room or dining room, maybe a bathroom or a bedroom.

If your bathroom does not have much space, you should think of decorating giving visual amplitude and that is achieved, with the use of light colors, white transmits an atmosphere of more space and clarity. But when it comes to order, you need to take advantage of walls, ceiling and door to organize and order, whether through shelves, hooks or cabinets. In this photo, the bathroom door is used to hang items that are essential such as towels. The neat appearance contributes to the larger space.

In the kitchen, areas such as the area under the sink are often used to store cleaning implements, but sometimes it is difficult to maintain order, and therefore we do not know what is and what is not. Metal bars serve along with some trays to give it a neat and decorative look, certainly a perfect way to decorate and organize in little space.

A work area at home is often a good way to advance tasks, view accounts, read and even answer mail or talk to friends virtually. But there is not always much place and for it to serve its end it must be tidy, so some boards on the wall and a small desk, make a corner a perfect place. Cozy and functional are one in this decoration.

Use room separators

Use glass walls to separate spaces, without visually dividing a room. While it is important to define separate areas, the opening between adjoining rooms will make the house appear wider.

Use room dividers instead of walls. Opt for fewer walls and more multipurpose rooms.

Replace sliding-walled doors to allow space to expand.

Use curtains where privacy is needed.

Sliding walls or sliding doors can also help you separate environments without sacrificing space width.

Large windows and skylights

Large glass panels really open up a small space. The large windows let in the light, which is reflected in the walls and illuminates even the darkest room.

Use semi-opaque materials to allow light into rooms without windows.


Add a mezzanine over the kitchen or anywhere else in the house that allows it. Sleeping and reading corners maximize space and provide privacy in shared areas.

Leverage spaces in real needs

Small spaces are very limited, so it’s important to understand and prioritize. If you need a desk, you don’t have to place a dining area. You don’t have to follow traditions, it’s your home.

Focus of attention

For a small bedroom, there’s a trick that’s perfect: focus all the attention on the bed.

The same criterion applies to all areas of the house. For example in the photo below, the spotlight is the wall ornament. By catching the attention of the eyes, the rest looks more spacious.

In this case, the red armchair in neutral background grabs all the attention, which also makes the room seem bigger.


The interior decoration allows us to take advantage of a lot of details that can give a different look to the decoration in general, without it being a total change to it. It’s just adding. One of the most helpful is the decoration with stripes or stripes, which give the chosen room a more attractive aspect but that also represents one of advantages in terms of the perception of it in reason of space.

Horizontal stripes give greater amplitude to very small environments, although it is only a visual perception. There is no doubt that it makes the rooms more spacious which could feel very narrow. They also allow us to play with the colors, and using furniture in appropriate dimensions give a modern and “wide” look visually to the room. An attractive and practical trick.

room with horizontal stripes on the white wall and green wall with stripes in shades of blue lounge horizontal stripes room striped walls in gray and pink

While vertical stripes give visual “height” to those rooms that have very low ceilings and can therefore make us feel overwhelmed with space. There are a variety of options between using single-color stripes or in multiple colors. They can also be chosen in various thicknesses and can be combined in width with each other.